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Ecosystem Features

Terminal Interface

Access powerful security tools through our cyberpunk-inspired terminal. Execute commands, chat with Mizuki, and analyze web data with the help of machine learning.

Chat with the Mizuki Agent
Scan websites for quick security overviews
Analzye websites for credibility scores
Access additional tooling in the Mizuki ecosystem

Lens Analysis Engine

Real-time security scanner that flags potential risks and analyzes token behavior patterns before you trade. Your first line of defense in the Solana ecosystem.

AI-powered threat detection algorithms
Real-time token vulnerability scanning
Behavioral analysis of suspicious addresses
Automated risk assessment reporting

Enterprise Scanning Suite

Leverage machine learning algorithms for in-depth domain audits and security assessments. Get detailed reports and actionable insights.

ML-powered automation for intelligent web auditing
Dynamic vulnerability assessment with adaptive scanning
Comprehensive security report generation with remediation steps
Automated penetration testing with custom attack vectors

Developer Framework

Train and deploy custom security models using Microsoft ML. Train specialized models for specific security use cases and integrate them seamlessly.

Custom security model training
ONNX support for deploying on frameworks like PyTorch
Extensible plugin architecture
Zero latency, offline inference options